10 minutes. That’s all it takes to develop that hobby or skill that you just can’t find time to do. Of course, it can take less or more time, depending on the activity that you’re trying to develop.

When it comes to a hobby like playing an instrument or a skill like learning a new language, the key is consistency. Unlike studying for an academic subject, developing a skill is something that requires your body to get accustomed to. Like exercising, you don’t want to tire yourself out by doing some hardcore workout for 2 hours once a week; instead, you should spread it out so you get some activity done every day.

In such way, that skill that you’re trying to refine will (hopefully) become part of your routine, as if it were another habit that you do. You can practically take up any activity that you like without having to devote hours of practice every day (unless you want to become a pro at it, of course. But that is not what this post is about, so.), to the point that it becomes a habit. Eventually, you will become fairly good at it after a period of time.

Here are some ideas of skills and hobbies that you can take up! (They also happen to be the ones I’m practicing!)

Allura Regular

If you are fascinated by some foreign language, but don’t necessarily want to become fluent in it, just download Duolingo on your phone (I don’t know why everyone has that app already – it’s free, for heaven’s sake) and choose the language of your choose. It’s basically an app in a gaming-system, really fun way. It’s designed so you can practice a little every day, and you can decide how intense you want your daily practices to be. I use the app every day as soon as I wake up, to get my brain working.

Yes, this is me, trying to learn some German.


Allura Regular

(See full post here) Do not underestimate the power of the mainstream. Meditation has become (overly) popular, particularly in these last few years – and for a very good reason. Everything that we do nowadays is so hectic that we rarely have time to just settle down, and be present with ourselves. The app that I use is Headspace, and I meditate only 10 minutes every session. I do this every morning and/or night, and it can either enable me to take on the day with a calmer mindset, or go to bed with a more relaxed mind.



Allura Regular

This combines 2 things that I prioritize a lot: exercise and meditation. Yoga practices a series of postures to help you gain better control of yourself (there are so many benefits, just google them if you don’t believe me). I started off taking classes of different types of yoga, but I didn’t continue it in the long run. I decided to take it up again a few weeks ago, but less intense. I downloaded an app (yes, another app) called 5 Minute Yoga, which gives you a series of beginner poses for you to perform. I do this right after I finish exercising in the morning, and I practically treat it like a calming stretch.


Allura Regular

This may seem like a waste of time for many of you, but it’s highly essential if you want to see how you’re doing based on long-term goals. I write both on my bullet journal, and keep track of my tasks on my phone (see detailed post here) as well. Jotting down my tasks and events a few minutes each day, and writing my weekly and monthly goals every week/month enables me to see the grand scheme of my productivity. This is a habit that can help you become more productive in other skills, as well as being a place where you can unleash your thoughts and/or creativity if you’re feeling it.

Beautiful bullet journal I found on Tumblr, by Creatively Organized, *sighs*


Allura Regular

This is a must, if you ask me (and not only because I play the cello). Unlike a sport, or any other common hobby, music is something that you produce artistically. Anywhere you are, you can show off your music skills if you come across your instrument, and you can produce a piece of music over and over again.

I usually practice my instrument 1 hour or more (per session), but if you want to get acquainted with an instrument, you can start with just short 15 minute sessions, but every day. That way, you will enable your brain to get used to this new and beautiful language without tiring yourself out. If you want to get started, just google for the instrument of your choice only and start learning! I’m currently trying to learn the piano on flowkey. Piano Lessons Online, and 8notes.


Good luck! 🙂



  1. I’m applying this to work on my speaking. English not being my mother tongue, I give 10 or 15 minutes a day to a shadowing session, it has done wonders to my pronunciation, without feeling like a chore. I’m currently trying to make it happen with yoga, too, but health issues are getting in the way! 🙂

    • I’m glad it’s working for you 🙂 If health issues are getting in the way of yoga, then maybe you should tone it down a little? I find yoga very relaxing and meditative, so I encourage you to continue it (even if it’s for like 5 minutes each time. That’s what I do, actually)

  2. This is so interesting! I am taking Japanese in school, and I love it, but I want to learn at a much faster pace so I think I’ll try this out. Also, it’s awesome that you play the cello. I’m a pianist myself, and I’ve noticed that I’ve gotten a lot better since I decided to practice almost every day. This works!

    • It’s all pretty obvious and rational once you think about it – consistency over intensity. But it’s always good to remind ourselves of these things so that we actually do them, haha 🙂 I want to learn the piano so badly!! I’m so jelly.