Normally, I would be at school right now, instead of writing this post. That has been my routine for the last 10 years, and I feel so old that I’m not going to school anymore. But that’ll change once I’m in college. Because of this, I want to give a more academic focus to my goals this month, while keeping other activities and interests as active as possible:


  • Yoga: 2 times per week. I’m doing Ashtanga Yoga (every class is the same series of postures) so I’m aiming myself to perform this process at a more advanced level.
  • Pilates: I will see where this takes me. Due to my chronic back pains for the last 2+ years, I am looking for ways to improve posture and anything that alleviates my pain.
  • Exercise: At glance, I’m a ‘skinny’ person, but all my fat goes to body parts that are very notorious to myself, Thus, I will aim to improve my fitness particularly in those areas, and simply tone my body overall (I am too wimpy and flabby!) Also, increase my endurance and resistance.


  • Books: I did not finish the HP series like I had planned to. Thus, I will finish them this month. Also, read more business, coding and self-improvement (yes, non-fiction) books.
  • Blogging: Expand my horizons and blog about topics I personally feel are important today. I have started doing that last month, which I’m glad – but there’s more work to do!
    • Also, STICK TO MY SCHEDULE. I wanted to blog on a daily basis (except for weekends) last month, but I tended to procrastinate and leave out a day or so last month. This must not happen again!
  • Goodreads: Write more reviews. I have decided not to overflow my blog with reviews (that tend to be tiresome and excessively wordy anyway), and writing in Goodreads will force my brain to write shorter and to-the-point reviews.


  • English: Continue writing weekly essays on world-affair topics I am unfamiliar with.
  • ASL: It’s a good idea to start and reading about this soon.
  • Coding: I must read and learn how to code starting from this month. I recently came across Girls Who Code, a non-profit organization (with a name that is self-explanatory). This statistic says it all:

The U.S. Department of Labor projects that by 2020, there will be 1.4 million computer specialist job openings. To reach gender parity by 2020, women must fill half of these positions, or 700,000 computing jobs. Anecdotal data tells us that an average of 30% of those students with exposure to computer science will continue in the field. This means that 4.6M adolescent girls will require some form of exposure to computer science education to realize gender parity in 2020. Girls Who Code has set out to reach 25% of those young women needed to realize gender parity.


  • Orchestra: I am a terrible musician when you put me alongside all the others in the orchestra. I need to improve sight-reading and everything that has to do with musical theory and apply it to the orchestra. I’m no longer at the conservatory, so this may be harder – but not impossible.
  • Cello classes: Just continue improving my skills, and try to advance as efficiently fast as possible. After all, I might not be able to continue playing in college.


  • Learn more cooking recipes and desserts (?). Just explore!!
  • Learn to drive when the opportunity presents.
  • …Whatever else that may come in my way?


I can’t think of anything else at the moment, so I’ll just limit my goals to the ones on this list 🙂



  1. If you have any coding questions pertaining to HTML and CSS I’m your girl! I love coding and I feel a lot more confident in my blogging since I learned. I’m no expert but I am good at figuring things out.

    • Omg where and how did you learn? I have found a few sites (codeacademy) that I think might be useful, being a beginner.

        • Oh awesome!!
          If you do remember the name, please tell me! One of my reading aims for this month is to read more non-fiction books on that subject. Thanks for the tumblr tutorial 🙂 I’ve always really been into designing/customizing tumblr themes.