552f331d3ce18.imageName: Jenna Nicole Mourey, aka Jenna Marbles

Birthday: September 15, 1986

Age: 29 years old

Birthplace: Rochester, New York

Occupation: YouTuber, Comedian, Actress

Fun fact: She has the most subscribed female channel on YouTube.

Brief Biography

Jenna had a pretty decent life while growing up, but, like many people, she didn’t have a clear direction in her life. She went to school, attended college and went to graduate school thinking that her life would be going towards the direction of Psychology and/or Education.

Of course, life threw unexpected turns in her way; she worked on several jobs that had nothing to do with her career, in order to sustain herself. However, when she got a job at Barstool Sports (blog), she realized her passion for simply making funny YouTube videos, hoping that it would make other people happy. And that’s what she’s been doing so far. You can watch Jenna’s “Draw My Life” video below:

Jenna’s Reality TV = Jenna’s Real Life

The reason I, and presumably the rest of her (almost) 16 million followers, like Jenna is because her portrayal of herself on YouTube is the way she is in real life (even her mom said so, in one of Jenna’s videos). YouTube has now become a platform for individuals to become the hosts, creators and stars of their own reality TV shows, but you and I both know that most of the time the ‘real lives’ portrayed on TV is just BS.

Jenna, however, kept to her own personality, humor and charisma ever since she created her channel back in 2010. You can see that by the content and editing of her videos – you know for a fact that she always edits them by herself. She also has a blog where you can see her podcasts and all the content she posts on her social media platforms.

What I’ve seen with many rising YouTube stars is that they start to move on to bigger and ‘better’ things once they get noticed, e.g. shooting more professional videos with agencies/sponsors. But instead of getting more subscribers and views, these YouTubers often receive contempt from their audience, as these feel more and more distanced from the raw and ‘genuine’ YouTuber they used to know.

Though Jenna did start her channel as a way to sustain herself (I think), she did it primarily because she wanted to make people laugh. By being herself. In the article “Youtube star Jenna Marbles turns down fortune“, Jenna explains why she rejects offers from people who want to edge their products and influence into her life (most of which would probably change the portrayal of her image) by saying:

“I’m driven by the fact that every day I get to wake up, and no one is my boss, and I can feed myself, and keep a roof over my head, just by giggling on the Internet”

She posts funny, relatable and raw videos that never fail to entertain her audience. I mean, if you’re going to host your own reality TV show in the long term, you might as well stick to who you really are – Internet people are quick to judge, and they’ll figure out who’s underneath that mask you’re wearing sooner or later.

